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"Don't forget to smile!"

About Me

After being a coxswain on the men’s rowing team, I always had a passion for motivating others. There was a special energy in the boat when we all worked together. Whether it was on or off the water, rowing is what gave me my competitive outlet as well as my community.

I recommended my brother, Joey (co-founder of Row Republic), join the rowing team in college after his career-ending concussion. Not only did he fall in love with the sport as I did, but it’s something we truly bonded over as siblings. My hope is that people connect with the sport like Joey and I did and that Row Republic becomes more than a workout—but a community.

Why I Row  The workout and because it's fun!

Guilty pleasure Love a good remix mixed in with some throwbacks and hip hop

Dream Row Republic location Malibu

Instagram Handle @ktag16

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